
Lead partners met to discuss the work already done and to focus on planning for the coming months.

We started off the meeting to build on a Theory of Change in order to see the links between our outputs, desired outcomes and impact and to create pathways to achieve the project goals. This has fed into the quality assurance plan (WP1).

We worked on the protocol and strategy to implement the focus groups with teachers to identify entry points into the school curricula in the four countries (WP2). We also discussed the curriculum analysis framework that we will apply to national natural science curricula.

We started to discuss the design of the educational resources as well as implementation as a citizen science project. We also discussed the issue of scalability of the project and future funding options (WP4).

Finally, we discussed and approved the first draft of the Dissemination and Exploitation plan and gave feedback on the logo (WP5).

When the team was not hard at work we enjoyed soaking up the bustling Athens atmosphere and a trip to a nearby seaside suburb for dinner by the sea.